Position: Senior Scientist
Mobile No: 9446340179
Email: arasiyabeegam@gmail.com
Qualification: M.Sc., B.Ed.
Specialization: Taxonomy and Conservation Biology: Taxonomy is the basic criteria for all plant based research. Conservation Biology is a science dealing with rarity and diversity of biological organisms.
Conducted research work concentrating on plant diversity, especially flowering plants and its documentation as biodiversity documentation is a part of biodiversity conservation which in turn forms part of Conservation Biology. According to Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, the first step for plant conservation is the documentation of all known plants. Knowledge about the bio-resources of our nation and its present status is important. It can give priority for studies on conservation of species and areas. It was against this background that a comprehensive account on the plant wealth of Kerala, the Western Ghats, India, was brought out.
- Documentation of Flowering Plants of India (Ongoing).
- Flowering Plants of Kerala: A Handbook (2006).
- Plants of Kerala, India- an interactive CD (2008).
- Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats, India (two volumes 2014).
- Shareef S. M., Rasiya Beegam A, J. W. Byng (2020). Lectotypification and taxonomic reinstatement of Syzygium benthamianum (Myrtaceae). Phytotaxa 455 (1): 053–059. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.455.1.7
- Rasiya Beegam, A. and M. Sibi. (2012). Two new combinations in Acilepis (Asteraceae). Rheedea. 22(1): 38.
- Rasiya Beegam A. and T.S. Nayar (2011). Plants used for natal healthcare in folk medicine of Kerala, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 10(3): 523-527.
- Nayar, T.S., Rasiya Beegam, A. and M. Sibi 2014. Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats, India. (in two volumes) Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram. 1684 p.
- Nayar, T.S., Rasiya Beegam, A., Mohanan, N. and G. Rajkumar (assisted by M. Sibi) 2006. Flowering Plants of Kerala - A Handbook. Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram. 1070p.