- Development and maintenance of ex situ conservatories of properly documented indigenous plants, particularly endemic and IUCN Red listed species.
- Dissemination of Botanical knowledge/plant curiosities through individual or group displays with proper labelling and advanced Information Education and Communication means.
- Development and maintenance of aesthetic plant collections and landscapes at major building premises, road sides and main entrance.
- Formulation of propagation protocols and multiplication of plants in the collection to enrich the conservatories and for sales and restoration of natural habitats.
- Popularization of potential wild edible and ornamental indigenous plants
- Management of routine garden works, garden visits and plant sales.

Head of Division: Dr. M. Rajendraprasad
Principal Scientist
Mobile: 9447456311
Email: rajendraprasadvkm@gmail.com

Scientists: Dr. Prasannakumari A. A.
Mobile: 9446379128
Email: prasanna79128@gmail.com
Technical Officers

Dr. Joemon Jacob
Technical Officer Gr. V.
Mobile : 94464 12990
Email: drjoemon70@gmail.com

Dr. Raju Antony
Technical Officer Gr. IV.
Mobile : 94952 69824
Email: rajuantonytbgt@gmail.com

Dr. T. Sabu
Technical Officer Gr. IV.
Mobile : 94470 54118 , 97783 53781
Email: sabutbgri71@gmail.com

Dr. Lathankumar K. J.
Technical Officer Gr. IV.
Mobile : 9446283754
Email: kjlathankumar@gmail.com,kjlathankumar@jntbgri.res.in

Dr. Santhoshkumar E. S.
Technical Officer Gr. IV.
Mobile 85478 25373
Email: santhoshkumares@gmail.com

Dr. Hussain A.
Technical Officer Gr. IV.
Mobile 9446846954
Email: hussainshiji@gmail.com

Public Relation Officer

Premkumar V.
Mobile : 9446081082
Email: devprem@jntbgri.res.in