Position: Senior Scientist
Mobile No: 9446486457
Email: vaidyavinodkumar@gmail.com
Qualification: BAMS from Ayurveda College, Coimbatore (Bharathiar University).
Specialization : Ayurveda, ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacology including traditional knowledge based herbal drug development, medicinal plant research and biodiversity.
Fellow of National Society of Ethnopharmacology (FNSE). Scientist in JNTBGRI since 1995. Research experience in the field of Ayurveda, ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacology including traditional knowledge based herbal drug development. Has 2 patents on herbal drugs and 5 are pending. Involved in commercialization of 2 herbal products, JEEVANI and SISAIROSP. More than 46 papers in international and national jurnals and presented papers/invited talks in more than 54 national and international conferences. Member and board of governors in Central Council of Indian Medicine, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. Member of National Society of Ethnopharmacology. Nominated by Governor of Kerala as Senate Member, University of Kerala.
- Systematic documentation and Bio-prospecting of ethnomedicallyimportant medicinal plants on tribal/traditional knowledge through molecular pharmacological approach- KSCSTE-funded project (ongoing).
- Publication of Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices’ KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala (completed).
- Systematic Documentation of Traditional Knowledge Related to Plants used for Food and AYUSH & Indigenous Medicine” (Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India): (completed 2nd year of the project).
- Anti-virals from medicinal plants of Western Ghats selected based on Traditional Knowledge (TK)/Ethnomedical information, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India: (completed).
- Ethnomedical survey and systematic documentation of traditional knowledge among the different tribal communities of Kerala- an in depth study and preparation of database- KSCSTE-funded project: (completed).
- S Rajasekharan, T. G. Vinodkumar and M. Navas (2018). Traditional/Folk practices of Kerala Case studies - Part VI: Healing art of tribal/folk communities of Kerala. Journal of Traditional Folk Practices. 6(01): 98-102.
- S Rajasekharan, T. G. Vinodkumar and M. Navas (2018) Traditional/Folk practices of Kerala Case studies - Part VII: Healing art of tribal/folkcommunities of Kerala. Journal of Traditional Folk Practices. 6(02): 67-72.
- Sreedevi S Kumar, Vinodkumar T. G. Nair, M. Navas, S. R. Suja and S Rajasekharan (2020). Ethnobiological Survey and documentation of Traditional Knowledge from the coastal areas of Thrissur district. Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices. 7(1&2), 8(1): 80-88.
- RG Raghi, Vinodkumar T. G. Nair and M. Navas (2020). Women's health vis-a-vis traditional foods used in Thiruvathira -a folklore festival of Kerala, India. Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices. 8. 57-65. https://doi.org/10.25173/jtfp.2020.8.2.116
- James, T.C., Vinodkumar T. G. Nair, Goel, Sumeet., Pathak, Namrata (2022). Heal by India, Heal in India: Ayurveda and Yoga as Soft Power Tools, Forum on Indian Traditional Medicine Policy Brief, No. 8.