Position: Senior Scientist
Mobile No: 9495754160
Email: shaju04@gmail.com
Qualification: Ph.D. Title: ‘Endemic Plants of Kerala State’ (University of Kerala)
Specialization : Angiosperm Taxonomy, Endemism and Phytogeography.
Over 25 years of research experience in Angiosperm Taxonomy, specifically in the area of endemism and phytogeography. Successfully conducted/coordinated several research programmes of JNTBGRI connected with biodiversity documentation, ecological assessment, spatial distribution mapping and conservation. Explored different Southern Western Ghats areas coming under Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The expedition sites included National Parks, Sacred Groves and Ramsar Wetland Sites. Published 45 research papers; 16 reviews; 6 articles as book chapters and one book (Orchids of Wayanad). Prepared many Compendia and Training Manuals and 14 papers as proceedings of seminars/conferences. Prepared over 300 botanical illustrations published in reputed journals.
- Vegetational and Ecological Assessment Lateritic Zones of North Kerala (ongoing): Principal Investigator.
- Survey, exploration and Documentation of Floristic Wealth of Kerala (ongoing): Co-Investigator.
- Assessment of Medicinal Plant Resources of Kerala (completed): Co-Investigator.
- Floristic, Ecology and Functional Dynamism of selected Grasslands of the Western Ghats (completed): Co-Investigator.
- Inventory and Documentation of Flowering Plants of Shenduruny Wildlife Sanctuary (completed): Principal Investigator.
- Shaju, T., P.K. Shaji, M.P. Geethakumary and E.S. Santhosh Kumar (2010). Begonia tenera Dryander- A new record for India. The Begonian, 77: 129-131.
- Ratheesh Narayanan,M. K. N. Anil Kumar, C. N. Sunil, T. Shaju (2012). Impatiens mohana (Balsaminaceae), a new scapigerous balsam from Wayanad, Western Ghats, India. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 69(2): 281–285. https://doi.org/10.1017/S096042861200008X
- Santhosh Kumar, E. S., T. Shaju, P. E. Royand G. Raj Kumar (2013). A New Species of Goniothalamus (Blume) Hook. f. & Thomson (Annonaceae) from Kerala, India. Taiwania, 58(3): 171-175. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2013.58.171
- Shaju,T. M. Rajendraprasad & A.G. Pandurangan (2013). Henckelia macrostachya (Barnes) A.Weber & B. L. Burtt (Gesneriaceae): A possibly extinct species of the Western Ghats. Taprobanica: 5(2), 138-139. http://www.sljol.info/index.php/tapro
- Viji A. R., Shaju T. & M. P. Geethakumary (2014). Viji A. R., Shaju T. & M. P. Geethakumary (2014). Rhynchospora panduranganii (Cyperaceae), a new sedge species from the Western Ghats of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Kew Bulletin 69 (3). https://doi.org/10.1007/S12225-014-9519-8
- Rajkumar, G., T. Shaju, A. Nazarudeen, & R. Prakashkumar (2020). Pothos boyceanus (Araceae), a new species from the Western Ghats, India. Taiwania 65(2): 114‒118.