Position: Principal Scientist
Mobile No: 9447731605
Email: drsujasremep@gmail.com, sujasathyu@gmail.com
Qualifications: Ph.D in Botany (Ethnopharmacology), University of Kerala.
Specialization: Ethnopharmacology, drug discovery, technology Transfer, molecular pharmacology, molecular docking, bioprospecting.
Fellow of National Society of Ethnopharmacology, having Mmore than 24 years of research experience in thrust areas of ethnomedicine, ethnopharmacology and pharmacognosy. Involved in commercialization of 2 herbal products, JEEVANI and SISAIROSP. One patent granted and five patents are pending. Published over 98 papers in national and international journals, 12 research articles as book chapters and contributed to one monograph. Attended International Conference on Ethnopharmacology, Austria in 2012 and International Conference in Advances in Plant Sciences, Malaysia in 2014. Attended International Society of Ethnopharmacology, Karl Franzex University, Austria as an invitee. Produced 6 PhDs, 5 PhDs ongoing. Editorial board member of 4 international journals. Recipient of several awards.
- Systematic documentation and Bio-prospecting of ethnomedically important medicinal plants on tribal/traditional knowledge through molecular pharmacological approach- KSCSTE-funded project (Ongoing): Principal investigator.
- A study on the Jasmine varieties of Western Ghats producing high essential oil content with special emphasis on commercialization of essential oil for perfumery by rural women for their empowerment WGDP (Completed): Principal investigator.
- Cultivation, Conservation and Sustainable utilisation of medicinal plants through the participation of women folk -Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India: Co-Principal Investigator.
- Bioprospecting two coded anti-diabetic medicinal plants based on ethnomedical leads with special reference to diabetic complications- A molecular pharmacological approach- Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India (Completed): Principal investigator.
- Anti-virals from medicinal plants of Western Ghats selected based on Traditional Knowledge (TK)/Ethnomedical information approach- Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India (Completed): Principal investigator.
- Suja S.R., Latha P.G., Pushpangadan P., Rajasekharan S. (2004). Evaluation of hepatoprotective effects of Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in Wistar rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 92(1):61-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2004.01.019
- Suja S.R., Latha P.G., Rajasekharan S., Pushpangadan P. (2003). Antihepatotoxic Activity of Spilanthes ciliate. Pharmaceutical Biology. 41(7): 536-541. https://doi.org/10.1080/13880200308951349
- Somasekharan Nair Rajam S, Neenthamadathil Mohandas K, Vellolipadikkal H, Viswanathan Leena S, Kollery Suresh V, Natakkakath Kaliyathan R, Sreedharan Nair R, Lankalapalli RS, Mullan Velandy R. (2020). Spice-infused palmyra palm syrup improved cell-mediated immunity in Wistar Albino rats. Journal of Food Biochemistry. 44(11):e13466. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfbc.13466
- Vikas B., Sujathan K., Rajam S.S.N., Anil S. (2022). Caspase-Dependent Apoptosis Induced by Simarouba glauca on Human Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer, A549 Cells. The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 23(6):1867-1872. https://doi.org/10.31557/APJCP.2022.23.6.1867
- Latha P.G., Rajasekharan S., Suja S.R., Dan, Mathew, Navas, M., Krishnakumar, N.M., Shahul Hameed Vaidyar (2015). Ethnopharmacological Evaluation of Antidiabetic, Hepatoprotective, Antioxidant and Antifatigue Potential of Selected Herbal Coded Drugs based on Traditional Knowledge (Pre-clinical Studies): Monograph. Division of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacology. ISBN-978-81-924674-4-3.
- S. Rajasekharan, P. G. Latha, T. M. Shahul Hameed Vaidyar, S. R. Suja and N. M. Krishnakumar, A novel poly-herbal formulation with multiple therapeutic effects as anti-diabetic, anti-fatigue, hepatoprotective and anti-oxidant (Application No. 2277/CHE/2011): Indian patent granted on 1 February, 2021.
Research Scholar
Work: Insights into the Anti-Inflammatory, Wound healing and Gastroprotective potential of Phyllocephalum rangacharii (Gamble) Narayana, an ethnomedicin
Work : A Molecular Pharmacological approach on the assessment of Hepatoprotective and Anti-inflammatory potential of Lagenandra ovata (L.) Thwaites an ethnomedicinal plant.
Work: Scientific validation of comparative antidiabetic effect of root extract and pod extract of Cyamopsiste tragonoloba (L.) Taub. with special emphasis on diabetic complications.
Work: Assessment of Anti-inflammatory, Anti-arthritic and Wound healing potential of Malaxisversicolor (Lindl.) Abeyw. through molecular pharmacological and green synthetic approach.
Project Fellow
Work: Systematic documentation and Bio-prospecting of ethnomedically important medicinal plants on tribal/traditional knowledge through molecular pharmacological approach.