Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

Dr. Raveendran

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Position:    Scientist                 

Mobile No: 9447699459



Qualification : Ph.D (Effect of heavy metals on growth, biomass production and metabolites distribution of seed germination and seedling growth of selected fast growing tree species of Kerala)


Specialization : Plant Physiology(seed) – Heavy metal toxicity in plants, Eco-physiology, Morphology, growth and genetic variation studies of seeds and seedlings, Sacred grove and tree physiology,Nursery development (Ornamental plants).

Personal Biography

Joined as JRF in the JNTBGRI in1994. Ph. D in Botany (topic: Effect of heavy metals on growth, biomass production and metabolites distribution of seed germination and seedling growth of selected fast growing tree species of Kerala). Joined as Scientist in JNTBGRI in 2000.  Worked Saraswathy Thangavlu Extension Centre, JNTBGRI, Puthenthopu, from 2004. Expertise in Bioinformatics with 5 more plant projects programmes including Database of Sacred Groves of Kerala. Established an Ornamental Garden in Puthenthopu Extension centre. From 2018 onwards working in Biotechnology Division, continuing with works related to plant physiology, seed physiology and conservation biotechnology. 

Projects & Selected Publications


