Position: Senior Scientist
Mobile No: 9495121079
Email: radhapkumar@rediffmail.com, radhark.biotech@gmail.com, radhark@jntbgri.res.in
Ph D (Botany), University of Kerala, M Phil (Botany), M Sc (Botany) with Distinction and First Rank, University of Kerala, Recipient of Dr. A. Abraham Gold Medal. SERB-SPG, DST Awardee, 2023.
Specialization : Ex situ Conservation of RET species; In vitro regeneration, zygotic embryo cryopreservation, Bio-prospecting of natural resources and identification of elite genotypes
Expertise in the field of Conservation Biotechnology since 1992. Research interests include In vitro regeneration of medicinal and aromatic plants; reinforcement of threatened trees of the Western Ghats; zygotic embryo cryopreservation, cell culture based metabolite production; bioprospecting and identification of elite genotypes; Tissue banking/cryobanking for bio-diversity conservation. Accomplished 6 research projects funded by Govt. of Kerala and Govt. of India. 4 ongoing Research Projects supported by Government of India, 4 ongoing Ph D programs, supervised more than 75 PG/UG dissertation programs, Reviewer in 3 international Journals, Published research articles in peer reviewed National and International Journals/Conference Proceedings, Published Book Chapters in International editions. Procured more than 100 Gene bank Accessions of Medicinal Plants.
Ongoing Projects
- Biotechnological interventions for defensible conservation and restoration of Dialium travancoricum Bourd., a Critically Endangered Endemic Tree of the Southern Western Ghats, Principal Investigator, SERB, DST, Govt. of India (2023-2026) - 23.8 Lakhs
- Habitat distribution modelling and re-inforcement of two threatened trees in the Kerala region of the Western Ghats for the improvement of their conservation status, Principal Investigator, MoEF CC, Govt. of India (2022-2025) – 14.6 Lakhs
- Species distribution modelling and bioprospecting of wild germplasm of Salacia species (high value antidiabetic plants) across the Western Ghats, Principal Investigator (Collaborative Project with ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore, Govt. of India), Principal Investigator, National Medicinal Plant Board (NMPB), Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India (2021-2024) – 32 Lakhs
- Implementation of Special Purpose Planting in the selected natural habitats of the VSSC Campus as part of the Environmental Conservation & Clearance Committee (ECC), Project Coordinator, Consultancy project - KSCSTE-JNTBGRI and VSSC, ISRO, Govt. of India 2022-2023 – 14.6 Lakhs
- Analysis of species distribution and reinforcement of two threatened trees in the Kerala region of the Western Ghats for the improvement of their conservation status, Co-Investigator, Plan Program (2022-2025)
- Program on Product Formulation with Industry collaboration (2022-2024) - Development of bio - safe mosquito repellent formulation by the exploitation of a repellent plant species against the deleterious mosquitoes, Principal Investigator, Collaborative Research Work – KSCSTE-JNTBGRI,NCDC, Coonoor, ICAR-IIHR,Bangalore, CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad, Govt. of India, Industry Partner - Care KERALAM (P) Ltd, Thrissur, Kerala
- In Vitro Multiplication and Conservation of Threatened Medicinal Plants of Western Ghats of South India. In: Rajasekharan P., Wani S. (eds) Conservation and Utilization of Threatened Medicinal Plants, Radha RK, Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39793-7-7,2020
- AswathyAnand and Radha RK, Acute dermal toxicity study of flower essential oil from Etlingera fenzlii(Kurz.)K.Schum. in Wistar albino rats, Research Journal of Biotechnology, 18(7), 2023
- Anju Sudhakaran and Radha R K,Evaluation of hepatoprotective effect of essential oil of Etlingera fenzlii (Kurz) Skronick. &M. Sabu (Zingiberaceae)- the honey bee repellent endemic plant species of Andaman Nicobar Islands,Indian Journal of physiology and Pharmacology,63(4)309-316,2019
- Anju Sudhakaran and Radha R K, Evaluation of acute and dermal toxicity of essential oil of Etlingera fenzlii (Kurz) K. Schum: an in vivo study, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,8(7),69-72,2016
- Krishnan PN.Decruse SW and RadhaRK,Conservation of medicinal plants of Western Ghats, India and its sustainable utilization through in vitrotechnology, In vitro cell Dev.Biol-Plant,47(1),110-122,2011
- Radha R K, William Decruse S and Krishnan P N,Cryopreservation of excised embryonic axes of Nothapodytesnimmoniana (Graham) Mebberly, a vulnerable tree species of the Western Ghats,Indian Journal of Plant Biotechnology,9(4),435-437,2010
Research Scholars
Work: Enhancement of anthocyanin production in in vitro culture system of Ipomoea batatas
Work: Ex situ conservation, molecular and chemical profiling of Acorus calamus
Work: Ex situ conservation of Etlingera fenzlii, honey bee repellent plant of the Andaman Nicobar Islands
Work: Utility of Semiochemicals and exploitation through in vitro technology of Etlingera fenzlii, an insect repellent plant species of the Andaman Nicobar Islands
Work: Bioprospecting of wild germplasm of Salacia species across the Western Ghats
Project Fellow
Work: Species distribution modelling and bioprospecting of wild germplasm of Salacia species across the Western Ghats
Work: Species distribution modelling and bioprospecting of wild germplasm of Salacia species across the Western Ghats
Work: Habitat distribution modelling and re-inforcement of two threatened trees in the Western Ghats.