Qualification: M.Sc., LL.B., Ph.D. (Topic: Anatomical and Histological Studies on the Genus Sida L. (Malvaceae) of Peninsular India with Special Focus on the Botanical Source of the Drug, Bala).

Specialization : 

Ethnobotany/Ethnomedicine, Pharmacognosy, Participatory Conservation of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and Primary Health care, Systematic Documentation TK related to plants used for  Food and Medicine,  Plant Taxonomy and Anatomy, Resource Mapping on Medicinal plants  and  Conservation Biology (Plant animal interaction studies).

 Dr. M. Navas, has been working as Technical Officer in the Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacology Division of JNTBGRI since 1998. He is currently working as Senior Scientific Officer, State Medicinal Plants Board, Kerala, (AYUSH Department, Govt. of Kerala) on deputation since June 2021. He secured his PhD in Botany (in the area of Anatomy and Pharmacognosy) from the University of Kerala in 2015. He has 28 years of research experience in the field of Ethnobotany/Ethnomedicine, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Systematic Documentation TK,  Pharmacognosy and Plant Taxonomy and Conservation Biology (Plant animal interaction studies). He has many publications and seminar papers in his credit including 6 Books, 29 Research Papers,14 Chapters in books (11 published by Govt. of India in API). He is awarded with Fellowships such as FNSE from National Society of Ethnopharmacology, FIAAT from  Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy and FSABS from the Society for Advancement of Biological Sciences, Bangalore . He received many awards such as T R Sahu Award (2011) of IAAT and Best Paper Award (2015) during the UGC National Seminar at FMN College, Kollam and prestigious Pushpangadan Biodiversity Access and Benefit Sharing Award 2022 (2023). He has  life memberships in Academic/Scientific bodies including  National Academy of Biological Sciences, Kerala Academy of Sciences, National Society for Ethnopharmacology, Society for Advancement of Biological Sciences and Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy.  

Ongoing Projects



Work Experience

Dr Navas has 25 years of research experience at JNTBGRI and 3 years in State Medicinal Plants Board, in the field of Ethnobotany /Ethnomedicine, Participatory Conservation Programme of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Systematic Documentation Traditional Knowledge related to plants used for Food and Medicine, Pharmacognosy, Plant Taxonomy and Anatomy, Plant  based rural primary health care programme, Preparation of Data base, Resource Mapping on Medicinal plants and Medicinal Plants Conservation  and Conservation Biology (Plant animal interaction studies). During this period associated with 26 research projects, of which in 1 project as PI and  13 projects as Co-investigator including  Systematic Documentation of Traditional Knowledge (TK) among the Selected Tribes of Kerala, Assessment of Medicinal Plant Resources of Kerala, Coastal  Ethnobotany of Kerala, Documentation & creation of database on underutilized edible varieties of leafy vegetables used by the tribes and  Establishment of Herbal Gardens in Selected 100 schools of Kerala.

During this period interacted with 27 tribal groups of different regions of Kerala as part of the Documentation of TK from different tribal/folk groups of Kerala. Carried out pharmacognostical studies on 40 plants, based on Traditional Knowledge/ Ethnomedical leads. Published 11 monographs in Pharmacopoeia of India. Associated with the Scientific validation of a Traditional Knowledge of a Local Healer Shri Shahul Hameed Vaidyar, Karunagapally, Kerala) which led to the award of Patent, in which  JNTBGRI registered his name as an ‘inventor’.  Prepared directory of medicinal plants of 7 southern districts of Kerala-7 volumes.