PhD: Earned a Ph.D. in Botany from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamil Nadu, India, with a title ‘Carpology, Seed Storage, and Germination of South Indian Rauvolfia Species,’ focusing on the fruit development and seed biology of Rauvolfia species found across India.
Specialization : Seed viability and germination studies, dormancy-breaking experiments, storage studies, seedling studies and phytochemical extraction methods.
Engaged in research activities focused on the conservation of endemic and endangered species through seed banking. Involved in various project works aimed at conserving different economically and ecologically significant species. Published research findings in journals and presented work in seminars. Additionally, actively involved in providing training to students and farmers who visit the seed bank as part of JNTBGRI training programs and Internship programs for graduation and post-graduation students.
Recipient of the Dr.P.D.Sethi Annual Award 2014 for the Best Research Paper in Pharmaceutical Analysis, titled “Distribution of Reserpine in Rauvolfia species from India – HPTLC and LCMS Studies,” published in ‘Industrial Crops and Products.’ Associated with twelve research projects and holds membership in the IUCN SSC Western Ghats Plant Specialist Group. Contributed to several research papers, book chapters, and authored a book titled ‘Bilingual Field Guide to Selected Wild Medicinal Fruits, Seeds, and Seedlings of Kerala.’
Ongoing Projects
- 2022-2027: Establishment of Centre of Excellence in Phytochemical-nanotechnology at KSCSTE-JNTBGRI. Co-investigator: Dr. S. Ajikumaran Nair. Date of sanction: 14.09.2022 (5 years), Rs. 200,00,000. SHRESTA scheme of KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala. Total project cost: 200Lakhs
- 2021-2022- Ex-situ conservation of five critically endangered plants of the western ghats, India. – Co-investigator (funded by BGCI)
- 2019-2020 -Conservation of Buchanania barberi, a tree on the verge of extinction - Co-investigator (The Mohamed bin Zayed species conservation fund)
- 2017- 2022 -Seed Biology of Kerala Flora – Co-investigator (Plan fund project).
- 2012-2014 -Preparation of an illustrated bilingual field guide on medicinal fruits, seeds and their seedlings occurring in Kerala Forests –Co-investigator (funded by Kerala Forest Department).
- 2007-2017 -Establishment and Maintenance of JNTBGRI Seed Bank - Co-investigator (Plan fund project).
- 2009-20011 -Establishment of seed bank and field gene bank of Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Wilde - a vulnerable medicinal species of the Indian Subcontinent- Co-investigator (funded by the Kerala Forest Department).
- 2009-2012 -Germplasm Collection, Characterization and Conservation of Select Medicinal Plants of Kerala State – Associate staff (funded by National Medicinal Plant Board).
- 2009-2011 - Studies on seed biology and nursery practices of Coscinium fenestratum and ex-situ conservation of the species through establishment of field gene bank and seed bank – Co-investigator (funded by Kerala Forest Department).
- 2004-2007 -Establishment of Seed bank, propagation and ex-situ conservation of endemic and threatened species of Western Ghats – Associate staff (funded by Ministry of Environment & Forest funded by Ministry of Environment & Forest)
- 2004-2007 -National Gene bank for Medicinal and Aromatic plants - Associate staff (funded by Department of Bio-Technology).
- 2003-2005 - Carpology studies on five species of Rauvolfia – Co-investigator (Plan fund project)
- Dhyani A., Bindu S, Abinlal KC, and Anilkumar C. (2022). Reintroduction of Buchanania barberi, a critically endangered tree endemic to the south Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Plants People Planet: 1-6. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10334. ISSN :2572-2611. https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ppp3.10334
- Kumar, S., Bajpai, V., Singh, A., Bindu, S., Srivastava, M., Rameshkumar, K.B. and Kumar, B., (2015). Rapid fingerprinting of Rauwolfia species using direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry combined with principal component analysis for their discrimination. Analytical Methods, 7(14): 6021-6026. DOI: 1039/C5AY01249J (impact factor: 1.821). https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2015/ay/c5ay01249j
- Bindu, S., K.B. Rameshkumar, Brijesh Kumar, Awantika Singh and C. Anilkumar, (2014). Distribution of reserpine in Rauvolfia species from India – HPTLC and LC-MS studies. Industrial Crops and Products, 62: 430-436. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.09.018

Position: Technical Officer Gr. IV
Mobile No: 9495817949
Work Experience
She commenced service on August 26, 2000, and has acquired extensive experience in various aspects, including Seed Collection, Accessioning, Seed Desiccation Studies, Seed Viability Tests, Germination and Storage, Seedling Studies, and Phytochemical Extraction