PhD: Biotechnology, University of Kerala, 2009
Specialization : Phytopharmacology
Phytochemical Nanotechnology
Dr. S. Ajikumaran Nair has been working as a Technical Officer at JNTBGRI from 1998 onwards. He secured his PhD in Biotechnology (in the area of Diabetes) from the University of Kerala in 2009. He worked on deputation at the SPM Division of KSCSTE headquarters for one year (2008-2009), and as invited Faculty at the Department of Biotechnology, University of Kerala, from 2002 to 2007. He served as an external examiner for the MSc Biotechnology course at the University of Kerala from 2002 to 2022. He co-supervised many M. Pharm/ M. Sc students from various Universities. He has profound experience in Pharmacology, Biotechnology, and Nanotechnology. He has many peer-reviewed publications and seminar papers in his credit. He received many awards such as the Jaipur Prize (2006), Mukherjee Prize (2007), and Best Oral and Poster Presentation Awards.
Ongoing Projects
- 2022-2027: Establishment of Centre of Excellence in Phytochemical-nanotechnology at KSCSTE-JNTBGRI. Co-investigator: Dr. S. Ajikumaran Nair. Date of sanction: 14.09.2022 (5 years), Rs. 200,00,000. SHRESTA scheme of KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala. Total project cost: 200Lakhs
- Ajikumaran Nair S , Rajani Kurup SR , Akhila S Nair ,Sabulal Baby (2018). Citrus peels prevent cancer. Phytomedicine. DOI: 10.1016/j.phymed.2017.08.011, Elsevier.IF: 7.9.
- Ajikumaran Nair S, Sabulal, Radhika J,.Arunkumar R, Subramoniam A (2014). Promising anti-diabetes mellitus activity in rats of β-amyrin palmitate isolated from Hemidesmus indicus roots. European Journal of Pharmacology,734:77–82. Elsevier. IF: 5.19.
- Ajikumaran Nair Sadasivan Nair, Reshma Vijayakumari Raveendran Nair, Aroma Prasanna Rajendran Nair, Akhila Sasikumar Nair, Sabu Thyagarajan, Anil John Johnson, Sabulal Baby (2020). Antidiabetes constituents, cycloartenol and 24-methylenecycloartanol, from Ficus krishnae. PLoS One, Jun 25;15(6):e0235221. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235221. Public Library of Science, USA. IF: 3.7.
- Subramoniam A, Asha VV, Ajikumaran Nair S, Sreejith PS, Sureshkumar PK, Rajendran K, Karunagaran D and Ramalingam K (2011). Chlorophyll Revisited: Anti-inflammatory Activities of Chlorophyll-a and Inhibition of Expression of TNF-α Gene by the Same. Inflammation, 35: 959-66 (DOI: 10.1007/s10753-011-9399-0). Springer. IF: 5.1.
- Ajikumaran Nair S, Shylesh B S, Gopakumar B, Subramoniam A (2006). Anti-diabetes and hypoglycaemic properties of Hemionitis arifolia (Burm.) Moore in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 106: 192-197.Elsevier. IF: 5.4.
- Balaji G, Anil John J, Ajikumaran Nair S. Gopakumar B, Sri Lakshmi K, Venkataraman R, Koshy KC and Sabulal B (2016). Nutritional properties of the largest bamboo fruit Melocanna baccifera and its ecological significance. Scientific report, May 19;6:26135. doi: 10.1038/srep26135. Nature. If: 4.6.

Position: Technical Officer Gr. IV
Mobile No: 9447494861
Email: saknair@rediffmail.com , ajikumarannair@gmail.com
Work Experience
The individual is involved in the comprehensive evaluation of phytochemicals for various bioactivities, employing a wide range of techniques and methodologies. The evaluation spans diverse fields including diabetology, cancer biology, inflammation, oxidative stress, toxicology, animal reproductive biology, antiviral activities, hepatoprotection, intestinal absorption, immunomodulation, plant-animal interaction, and targeted drug delivery using nano particles. The techniques employed include animal cell culture, Western blotting, gene expression studies, cell signaling studies, in vitro and in vivo evaluations of phytochemicals, short-term and long-term toxicity assessments, in vitro evaluation of anti-viral activity, next-generation sequencing (NGS) and transcriptome analysis, radioactive incorporation assays, various microscopic techniques, flow cytometry, electron microscopy, spectroscopy (FT-IR, UV-Vis, circular dichroism), plate readers, rheometer, and scintillation counter. This multi-faceted approach reflects a comprehensive investigation into the pharmacological potential and mechanisms of action of phytochemicals.