Plant Systematics and Evolutionary Science

Dr. A. Nazarudeen

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Position:  Senior Scientist

Mobile No: 9544540706  


Qualification: Ph.D. (University of Kerala). Title: An Assessment of the Economically Important Wild Fruits of Kerala (2000). M. Sc., B. Ed. (University of Kerala).


Specialization: Angiosperm Taxonomy, Threatened and Red Listed Plants, Wild Edible Fruits, Native Mango Varieties, Wild Relatives of Cultivated Plants, Herbarium Management, Germplasm Characterization, Species Documentation, Nutritional Evaluation, ex-situ Conservation and Developing Cultivation Practices.

Specialization : Floristic ecology, dry matter dynamism, edaphology, faunastic association and productivity of ecosystems through tradition management of bio resources.

Personal Biography

Specialized in exploration and phyto-geographic mapping of Rare, Endemic and Threatened (RET) plants of the Western Ghats. Established an ex-situ conseratory of wild fruits in JNTBGRI with nearly 570 accessions. Found out 348 lesser-known fruit plants of economic value from the Western Ghats. Established a Field Gene Bank of 128 local mango landraces of Kerala. Published 50 research papers and general articles. Presented papers in several scientific platforms such as the International Seminar on Economic Botany and Ethno Pharmacology held at the Imperial College, London (1996). Currently preparing a ‘Red Data Book’ of plants in Western Ghats and a check-list of plants in  Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. Also revising Acanthaceae and Primulaceae and the genus Strobilanthes.

Projects & Selected Publications




Research Scholar

Work: Phylogenetic relationships among species of Strobilanthes in Kerala by combining evidences from morphology and chemotaxonomy.