Notification for the selection of Junior Project Fellow Candidates are invited for recruitment to the following temporary position in the externally funded project ‘Evaluation and Characterization of Antimicrobial potential of Wild Edible Mushrooms of Kerala’ at Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram. Date of walk-in-interview :…
TRAINING IN PHYTOCHEMICALNANOTECHNOLOGY KSCSTE-JNTBGRI- SHRESTA- Centre of Excellence in phytochemical nanotechnology at Saraswathy Thangavelu Extension Centre at Purthenthope invite application from qualified Postgraduate (Master in Biological Sciences including Agriculture, Nanotechnology and allied Sciences, M. Pharm and M. Tech Biotechnology and Allied Engineering and Research students (Biological and allied science) for…
Quality plants of the foliage plant, ‘Anthurium crystallinum’ varities are available at JNTBGRI through sales. Price Rs. 700-1000/- Attachment Anthurium crystallinum