- Development of suitable technologies for the conservation and sustainable utilization of the genetic resources of the nation mainly focusing of Western Ghats region of Kerala and translating the outcome for practical conservation and public utilities. The targeted genetic resources include that of medicinal plants, orchids, cardamom and bamboo.
- Bio-production and metabolic profiling of plant-specific compounds.
- Functional genomics and population genetics of cardamom and medicinal plants.
- Bioinformatics research focussing on validation of the efficacy of medicinal properties of selected plants through in silico, in vitro and in vivo screening and identification of lead molecules.
- Development of biodiversity databases.

Head of Division: Dr. S. Sreekumar
Principal Scientist
Mobile: 9446480968
Email: drsreekumar@rediffmail.com, sreekumartbgri@gmail.com

Dr. K.K. Sabu
Principal Scientist
Mobile: 9895211299

Dr. R.K. Radha
Senior Scientist
Mobile: 9495121079
Email: radhapkumar@rediffmail.com, radhark.biotech@gmail.com, radhark@jntbgri.res.in

Dr. Radhika B J
Technical Officer Gr. V
Mobile 9497010259
Email: radhikabj1967@gmail.com

Dr. S Shailaja kumary
Technical Officer Gr. III
Mobile 9446126862
Email: shailajavijayan@jntbgri.res.in