Position: HoD and Principal Scientist
Mobile No: 9446480968
Email: sreekumartbgri@gmail.com
Qualification: Ph.D. (Botany), CSIR- Research Associate
Specialization: Bioinformatics, Plant tissue culture and secondary metabolite production, Bioprospecting in medicinal plants, biodiversity database organization, landscaping and gardening.
Joined JNTBGRI as project fellow in January 1991. Awarded Ph.D. in 1998 (In vitro culture and secondary metabolite production in Hemidesmus indicus). R.Br. Research Scientist (April 1998 – May 2000); Awarded CSIR-Research Associateship in 2000. Joined as Scientist B in JNTBGRI on 26th August, 2000. Worked as information Officer, Co-coordinator and Co-ordinator of the BTISNet –DBT sponsored Bioinformatics Centre (February 2001-June 2020), since July 2014, Scientist-in-charge, STEC-JNTBGRI, Puthenthope. Books (03); Book chapters (12); Book edited (01); Research papers (51); Research papers in seminar (62); popular article (01); Project undertaken (26); Invited lectures (50); Training programs organized (45); Guidance for Ph.D. (04); M.Phil (04), M.Sc (71); training for PG holders in Bioinformatics (34); Biodiversity databases (25); Web sites (05); Awards (06); University examiner: Ph.D; M.Phil, M.Sc. Reviewer of 12 journals.
- Landscaping and gardening in the G.V. Raja sports school campus, sponsored by Directorate of Sports & Youth Affairs, Govt. of Kerala Rs. 50 lakhs ( Ongoing)
- Establishment of STEC-JNTBGRI as a nodal Centre for multidisciplinary research, production and supply of quality seeds, large scale cultivation of high value ornamental plants and human resource development, plan project sponsored by KSCSTE-JNTBGRI, Govt. of Kerala Rs. (Ongoing)
- Digitization of botanical herbarium of Department of Botany, University of Kerala, Sponsored by University of Kerala Rs. 10.00 lakhs Bioinformatics Sub-DIC, sponsored by DBT, Govt. of India Rs. 230.66 lakh. (Completed)
- BTISNET new web site development and integration /interlinking of bioinformatics resources developed by BTIS Centres, sponsored by DBT, Govt. of India Rs. 5.00 lakh ( Completed)
- Sreekumar S (2016). Plants: The Best Synthesizer of Pharmaceutically Important Secondary Metabolites and Nanoparticles. Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology, 4(3):1-3.
- Sreekumar S., Seeni S. and Pushpangadan P. (2000). Micropropagation of Hemidesmus indicus for cultivation and production of 2-hydroxy 4-methoxy benzaldehyde. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, Vol. 62: 211–218.
- Sreekumar S., Seeni S. and Pushpangadan P. (1998). Production of 2-hydroxy 4-methoxy benzaldehyde using root cultures of Hemidesmus indicus, Biotechnology Letters, 20 (7) 631-635.
- Sreekumar S., Biju C.K., Hari Sankar and Krishnan P.N. (2007). LitFriend: A software package for personalized management of bibliographic information and its citation. Current Science, Vol. 93 (4): 456-458.
- Goh W L, S Sungkaew, A Teerawatananon, D Ohrnberger, E A Widjaja, K K Sabu, B Gopakumar, K C Koshy, N-H Xia, K M Wong (2020). The phylogenetic position and taxonomic status of the Southeast and South Asian bamboo genera Neohouzeaua and Ochlandra (Poaceae: Bambusoideae). Phytotaxa 472 (2): 107–122. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.472.2.2
Work: Validation of the efficacy of anti-tuberculosis activity in selected nutraceutical plants through in silico and in vitro screening methods.
Work : Phytochemical profiling and pharmacological investigation in Plectranthus vettiveroides (Jacob) N.P. Singh & B.D. Sharma
Work: In silico and in vitro evaluation of anti-SARS-CoV2 activity in selected plant derived nutraceuticals
Work: Screening of phytochemicals and optimization of leads with multi-target activity against cobra venom
Work: Evaluation of phytochemicals from selected Medicinal plants of Kerala for Anti-Dengue Drug candidates
Work: Screening phytochemicals for anti-cobra venom activity
Work: Orchid breeding and multiplication of ornamental plants